'int()' is "sort of" a default constructor for int which initializes 'i' to zero.
The following are other ways of initializing i to zero.
int i = 0; int i(0); static int i; // Also changes the storage class. int i; // global, unnamed, or other namespace.
Built-in types do not have default constructors. They do have some syntax that initizializes a built-in typed variable to '0' converted to that type.
For example:
float f = float();
The above is equivalent to float f = static_cast<float>(0);.
Sometimes, in templates, you will see declarations as follows: T element = T();
This is to catch the case when a built-in type is passed as the template argument for the template parameter T. If you left the "= T()" off, the default constructor would be called for all types except the built-in types.
Effective STL: 50 Specific Ways to Improve Your Use of the Standard Template Library
C++ Templates
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